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Why it’s important to maintain carpets clean?

A regular cleaning process should be performed for various reasons:
To Improve the Appearance of Your Carpet It is incredible how fast carpets can lose their beauty especially in commercial or public buildings where there is a lot of foot traffic. The fabric of dirty carpets gets damaged quickly due to the large amount of dirt gathered on its surface. It gets further destroyed when you walk on it. Also the dust and dirt accumulated in the carpet will eventually attract small insects that will start eating the fibers of your carpet, damaging its structural integrity. To Keep the Environment Healthy
Dirty carpets contain a wide range of substances that may influence a person’s health and are not suitable for general hygiene as they could contaminate the air quality inside the building. These substances include mold, fungi, bacteria, dust and dirt. People using an environment with dirty carpets may be sick more often, develop allergies or get a serious illness.  This is particularly important in residential buildings, where the owner has a duty of care for their tenants and condo owners.

Carpet cleaning is especially beneficial if there are dogs in the building. Our four legged friends shed hair and flakes of skin also known as dander that end up in the carpet and may cause severe allergies to some people.

To Remove Odors from Your Carpet
Dirty carpets that are infested with mold, fungi, and bacteria will sooner or later begin to smell. A bad odor represents a serious problem in a commercial environment or a public building.
To protect your investment
You have probably spent thousands of dollars carpeting the building. To extend the life and appearance of your business’ carpets, they must be cleaned regularly. We recommend that high traffic carpets to be professionally cleaned every 6 months or even sooner depending on the traffic and the number of dogs living in the building. A carpet deep cleaning will help it last longer, saving you money in the long term.
A professionally cleaned carpet contributes to the overall building cleanliness and is important in maintaining a healthier environment for all the employees or residents.To know more visit our site