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How to Save Money on Groceries – 35 Proven Ways.

How to Save Money on Groceries at the Store:
1. Make a list: It’s important to go into a grocery store with a plan.  Take a look at the ads for your local grocery stores and  make a list of the best deals and where they come from. Having a list of items that are on sale and the items you want to price match (see #3) is imperative. Not only will it help you avoid impulse buying, it will also help you get in and out of the grocery store faster so you can get on with the rest of your life.

2. Focus on Sale Items: This step is crucial for saving money on groceries. Your list should consist of what’s on sale each week. Learn to appreciate variety in your diet, and it will save your a fortune over time. You should be able to live without an item until it goes on sale again.

3. Price match:
Price matching local ads at Walmart is easy, and saves time by allowing you only visit one store. Price matching involves looking at ads from your local grocery stores, making a list of the best deals and taking that list to Walmart (or other stores that advertise their price matching program). When you get to the register, tell the cashier that you will be price matching your items. Then, when they ring up each item, tell the cashier the price you saw the item for and at what store and watch them “roll back the prices” even more.

4. Get a rain check: If the store runs out of the advertised special, go to the customer service counter and request a rain check and ask when they will be restocked. A rain check means they will let you buy the advertised item at the sale price when the item has been restocked, even though it is no longer on sale.
5. Buy first, then meal plan:
Step 1: Only write down sale items on your grocery list.
Step 2: Price match the best deals each week.
Step 3: Research new meals to prepare with the items you bought on sale. This is by far the most underutilized grocery shopping money saving habit. Most will tell you to meal plan and then shop. However, that introduces too much of a temptation to buy things that are not on sale (or unnecessary) to complete the recipe for the meal you planned.
 By shopping first, and then planning your meals, you will have to work with what you bought on sale. In order to meal plan with what you bought on sale at the store, simply type in the main ingredient you want to use and then type the style of food you want to make. For instance, say I bought a lot of chicken this week. I would type in, “chicken Paleo recipes” and I would get a plethora of recipes to choose from. Look for a recipe that you already have all the ingredients for. If you don’t, then skip it and find one where you do have all the ingredients. The recipe is out there, and it is usually not that hard to find.

 6. Don’t shop hungry: I know you’ve heard this rule before, but it is true. You will have less patience and less self control, leaving you powerless against impulse buying. Do yourself a financial favor and eat before you shop. 7. Know average prices so you can spot a good deal: How will you know a good deal from a terrible deal if you don’t know how much items normally cost? The more aware you become while you shop for groceries, the more familiar you will become with pricing.To know more visit our site