Dhobilite in Mumbai-Central

 allindiayellowpage.com Dhobilite lists in Mumbai-Central
Category : Laundry, Wash and Fold, Dry Cleaning Pickup services
Address : Noida, India
Pincode : 201301
Email Id : pg201563@gmail.com
PhoneNo. :
Contact Person : Dhobilite
Contact Phone No :
Contact Mobile No : 8800414848
Feature : N/A
Dhobilite is one of the latest app based cleaning service providers. This company was formed in 2011 and since then it has extended its services in the NCR region like Kaushambi, Vaishali, Vasundhara, Brij Vihar, Chandar nagar, Lucknow. The company was founded by Abhishek Kumar and since the last 7 odd years it has been providing A class cleaning services for persona wardrobe, car, shoes, upholstery and other household products. They are known to clean your belongings with care within 48 hours to ensure that the clients busy schedule is not disrupted. It also offers doorstep laundry service to its clients.


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