Yuyao Xintai Hardware Co., Ltd in Nawpara

 allindiayellowpage.com Yuyao Xintai Hardware Co., Ltd lists in Nawpara
Category : Advertise Business in Google
Address : No.37, Zhenbei East Rd
Pincode : 414001
Email Id : everythingis205@yahoo.co.jp
PhoneNo. :
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Contact Mobile No : 91 85963214
Feature : N/A
There are more than 110 employees,20 of whom are sales.100 sets manufacturing machines, including cold heading machine, thread rolling machine, punching machine, turning machine, CNC machine, automatic assembly machine. Our production capacity is 1000 tons per month. Besides, we are equipped with indepe ndent la boratory with universal material tensile testing machine, vickers hardness tester, salt spray testing machine, pull out testing machine, film thickness measuring instrument, metallo graphic microscope.


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