2bhk Flats in Derabassi in Ahmednagar

 allindiayellowpage.com 2bhk Flats in Derabassi lists in Ahmednagar
Category : Property listing websites
Address : Bella Homes Sector-5, Mubarikpur Road , Dera Bassi , Punjab, 140507
Pincode : 140507
Email Id : bellahomesnew@gmail.com
PhoneNo. :
Contact Person : 2bhk Flats in Derabassi
Contact Phone No :
Contact Mobile No : 91 911500551
Feature : N/A
Golden opportunity for the residents if tri-city to acquire luxurious and fully furnished residential property near Chandigarh - Ambala Highway. The prime location of Bella Homes allows you to reach all the major points of Tri-City within minutes. You also get the advantage of all basic amenities like shopping centers and educational institutes located in close proximity. Bella homes provide both residential as well as commercial property.


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