Haining Bangde New Material Co., Ltd in Jammu

 allindiayellowpage.com Haining Bangde New Material Co., Ltd lists in Jammu
Category : Dairy Products
Address : No. 115 Yunxing Road, Xieqiao Town, Haining City, Zhejiang Province
Pincode : 10003
Email Id : resultioan@protonmail.com
PhoneNo. :
Contact Person :
Contact Phone No :
Contact Mobile No : 91 5738726886
Feature : N/Asofa fabricupholstery fabric for sofa,upholstery fabrics,
Haining Bangde New Material Co., Ltd. was established in May 2002, and introduced high-end equipment such as KARL MAYER HKS3-28E.180.218 high speed warp knitting machine and Korean warping machine. It specializes in producing all kinds of warp knitted fabrics. Industrial synthetic leather, clothing, toys, automotive interiors and other fields. With exquisite technology, highquality products like holland velvet and perfect service, the company has expanded its market and formed a smooth sales channel. It has not only been recognized by domestic customers, but also exported to Europe, America, Asia and other regions. Sincere cooperation, friendly relations, mutual trust, and full support are the foundation of our success; customer satisfaction is the reward for us. Address: No. 115 Yunxing Road, Xieqiao Town, Haining City, Zhejiang Province Tel: +86- 573-87268868 Fax: +86-573-87988567 Homepage: www.sofafabricfactory.com Email: 174525700@qq.com


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