Yuyao Pugga Pet Products Co., Ltd in Kolkata

 allindiayellowpage.com Yuyao Pugga Pet Products Co., Ltd lists in Kolkata
Category : Consumer Products
Address : No.202.North xing Road MaZhu Town. Yuyao City, Zhejiang, China
Pincode : 10005
Email Id : meaniuok2@outlook.com
PhoneNo. :
Contact Person :
Contact Phone No :
Contact Mobile No : 91 5746248701
Feature : N/Apet product factoryPet Suppliers,
Yuyao Pugga Pet Products Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of pet products, dog leashes, collars, dog cages, daily necessities, etc., with a comprehensive and scientific quality management system. Yuyao Pugga Pet Products Co., Ltd. has more than 10 years of production experience and 12 product patents, professional testing instruments, integrity, strength and product quality have been recognized by the industry, the products like Pet travel carrier suppliers are exported to Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, for a number of European and American companies produce. Welcome friends from all walks of life come to visit, guide and negotiate business. Homepage: https://www.pugga.net/ Address: No.202.North xing Road MaZhu Town. Yuyao City, Zhejiang, China Mobile: 86-18958321119 Phone: 86-574-62487018 Fax: 86-574-62450209 Email: yuyao@pugga.cn


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