Sehdev Packers And Movers In Rohtak in Chikmagalur Sehdev Packers And Movers In Rohtak lists in Chikmagalur
Category : Home Shifting Services
Address : Shop-101, Gali no-7, Shivaji Colony Rohtak Haryana 124001
Pincode : 124001
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Contact Mobile No : 8929293535
Feature : N/A
Packers And movers in Rohtak. Sehdv packers and movers. The Shifting is an organization where you can find a complete range of shifting services. Sehdev Movers .We understand the value of our customer's time regarding the shifting of consignments. Hence you look for service that can meet your time constraints and give you a cheerful shifting experience. Sehdev Packers And Movers is the top 1 among professional packers and movers companies across India and we have been serving the country for the last 13 years. As we are now registered under the Government of India. As an organization all our members are certified, verified and trusted. Now that we provide our services in Rohtak, our company got special permission from the Haryana government during the lockout so that people would not have trouble relocating their homes. We too had decided to become a good Indian. Since Corona, a lot of people have stocked our warehouse so far and it is safe. People are associated with us with this belief. Since Corona, many packers and movers have been on the market, cheating people by discounting them at a conditional rate. They carry the goods, but later either turn off the phone or talk on the phone to put more money, if they are not paying, they threaten to sell the goods. Our Packers Movers Association has brought complaints That is why Sehdev Packers and Movers speak of being wary of such tricksters Rohtak Address: Shop-101, Gali no-7 Shivaji Colony Rohtak Haryana 124001


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