Sangeet Sadhana - Hindustani Classical Music classes and Vocal Music classes in Bangalore in Chennai Sangeet Sadhana - Hindustani Classical Music classes and Vocal Music classes in Bangalore lists in Chennai
Category : Music Classes
Address : Sony World Signal, 720, 9th Main Road, Koramangala 4th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034
Pincode : 560034
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Contact Mobile No : 09686950505
Feature : N/AHindustani Music classesMusic classes,Musical Instrument classes,Singing Classes,Vocal Music Classes,
Sangeet Sadhana is the top leading music class in Bangalore. Founded in 2009 by Smt. Anindita Mukherjee. Sangeet Sadhana provides the best opportunity and platform to upvote your music skill and achieve your dream goal in the music field. We had given many young talents to the Indian music industry and also supported all the music lovers to achieve their dream. To remove the fear in students we do conduct many practical sessions and events in public. To encourage them in learning more we also conduct special classes with professional music artists. Join us today and upskill the music in you.


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