Hi-Tech Sweet Water Tech. Pvt. Ltd in Chandahandi

 allindiayellowpage.com Hi-Tech Sweet Water Tech. Pvt. Ltd lists in Chandahandi
Category : Household Services
Address : 229/230 Turning Point, Ghod Dod Road
Pincode : 395007
Email Id : hitechro122@gmail.com
PhoneNo. :
Contact Person :
Contact Phone No :
Contact Mobile No : 9898022557
Feature : N/A
Hi-Tech is the first company dealing with RO systems to be "I.S.O. : 9001:2008, 14001:2004, 18001:2007" certified in 2003 for its Quality Management System and Product design, Manufacturing, Installation and after sales Service of Commercial & Industrial R.O. water treatment plants and Domestic R.O. water purifiers by KVQA.


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