Software Testing Training in Chennai in Dhamnagar Software Testing Training in Chennai lists in Dhamnagar
Category : Career or Development Training
Address : 71/73, 2nd Floor, 1st MainRoad, CIT Nagar, Nandanam, Chennai
Pincode : 600035
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Contact Mobile No : 7397420198
Feature : N/A
Feeling like running when you want to write programs but still want to be in IT industry and dreaming about a job for your own in the industry. Apart from coding and development there are lot of other technology and opportunities apart from development and one such is testing. Software testing in any company is given equal importance as like development and this is one of the place where you don’t have to know C, C++ or Java for getting a job in IT industry. Software testing is a process finding software bugs in the application that has been developed. Writing test cases and executing them is the ultimate task of software testing and understand about software testing will fetch you a job easily. CodingCub’s ultimate aim is to give students an exposure and training on Software testing for people who are not interested in development. CodingCub provides the best Software Testing Training in Chennai for people who are looking forward to achieving in the IT industry. We are the leading Software testing training institute in Chennai and have been the most preferred place for students to learn software testing. CodingCub has a unique style of grooming the students in the software testing. We have the most experienced tutors from the IT industry to knowledge you on the software testing and we proved you with the in and out knowledge on software testing. Testing has a huge variation and types and it depends on requirements that the type of testing you will do in the industry. CodingCub provides the best Software Testing Course in Chennai with a restriction to batch size to make sure that we can provide attention on each and every individual and help them to learn Software testing in-depth. We also conduct one-on-one on a regular basis to clarify the doubts and understand the pros and cons of the training improving on your training process. CodingCub has MOU with leading IT companies and we have an inviting hand for our students in the industry. We apart from the training, also concentrate on providing placement assistance for our students and we have our training to meet the interview and on job requirements of the industry. Interested in Software testing and figuring out for the best software testing institute in Chennai then CodingCub will be the answer for your search. Join us to make your dream career start. Schedule a demo class with us to know about our unique training style and take a decision on that. Call us for a demo class. Contact no:7397420198


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