Mareena Panchakarma Back Pain Clinic in India Mareena Panchakarma Back Pain Clinic lists in India
Category : Ayurvedic Hospital
Address : Kunji Bava Haji Building, Hospital Road, Chavakkad
Pincode : 680506
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Contact Mobile No : 9847205200
Feature : N/ABack Pain TreatmentPanchakarma for Back Pain,Spondylosis Treatment,
Mareena Panchakarma back pain clinic is founded by very renowned ayurvedic family in Kerala having a tradition of more than 150 years. Experience the close to nature and authentic back pain treatment from the best ayurvedic hospital in Kerala. Mareena Back pain clinic provides all kinds of Ayurvedic & Panchakarma treatment packages. Mareena panchakarma therapy is the solution to all your problems like Cervical Spondylosis, Lumbar spondylosis, Neck & Shoulder Pain, Sinusitis, PCOD, Bone & Joint Issues, etc.


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