WeProcess4U Pvt. Ltd. in Navi-Mumbai

 allindiayellowpage.com WeProcess4U Pvt. Ltd. lists in Navi-Mumbai
Category : Business Directory Listing
Address : Kota
Pincode : 324007
Email Id : N/A
PhoneNo. :
Contact Person : Treadmill Price
Contact Phone No :
Contact Mobile No : 1234567890
Feature : N/A

Company Description

Weprocess4u is a concept business process services provider, workingcontinuously on the innovative ways to deliver value to its customers businessthrough a range of services. With the sales and front end presence in theUnited States and UK, and state-of-the-art delivery enters in India, havingmultiple facilities in the state of Rajasthan & AP, Weprocess4U is thedelivery arm of Five Splash InfoTech Pvt . Ltd.

Founded in 2009, we are a privately owned and funded firm that aims tomeet the service and delivery needs of our clients by bringing the right amountof balance between the quality of services and cost of delivery. On the boardof our company we have stalwarts of the industry who have been on the board ofone of the world’s leading financial institution’s services arm and a leadingbanking firm of India.

Through our constantly improving and expanding bouquet of serviceofferings we strive to bring to our clients, performance improvements andinnovative ways of fulfilling business processes while bringing significantcost reduction. We provide tailor made solutions to all our clients, regardlessof their size or service requirements. Being an ISO 9001:2008 company, all ourservices are performed at par with international standards. Our workforce canremotely manage projects at off-shore locations, being virtual staff for ourcustomers for all types of projects.

Company started in





·        Back Office Support Services

·        Data and Document Management Services

·        BPO Application Development Services

·        Cad Services

·        Digital Publishing Services

·        Call Center Services


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