Soft Technology in Panipat Soft Technology lists in Panipat
Category : Software Training for Microsoft
Address : Ghaziabad - UP
Pincode : 201009
Email Id : N/A
PhoneNo. :
Contact Person : Treadmill Price Online
Contact Phone No :
Contact Mobile No : 123456790
Feature : N/A
Computers and computer programs are among the most wonderful tools available--as long as you know how to use them. If you don't, you quickly learn the true meaning of frustration. And let's face it: Most programs--despite what the blurb on the back of the box may say--are not cuddly. Which leaves lots of would-be computer users, especially businesspeople, floundering instead of working successfully. But if you're intimately familiar with one or more software packages, then you can transform the virtually flummoxed into virtual wizards (or at least computer-savvy souls) with a computer-training business. This is a hot field--according to the International Data Corporation, the worldwide market for technical computer training is nearing the $28 billion mark, with an annual average of $8,200 spent for information systems staff training and $3,000 per person spent on general staff training. You can specialize in the software program or programs you know best; in a field you're familiar with like law or medicine; or, if you've got a broad base of software smarts, you can be a computer G.P., training clients in a wide variety of programs and packages. And you can work one-on-one with individual clients--from tots to seniors--or train a roomful of employees at a time for corporations. The advantages to this business are that you're out and about, working with lots of different people; helping folks overcome computer-phobia is always rewarding; and because you have to keep up with ever-changing technology and software updates, you've got the best excuse in the world for buying new computer goodies on a regular basis. You should know inside and out at least one software package, commonly used by the mass computer market or by a particular industry. But it's not enough to be a software egghead--you'll also need the ability to communicate your knowledge to others.


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