Required a maid from Agartala/Tripura for a Pune based Bengali couple from Agartala in Bhuj Required a maid from Agartala/Tripura for a Pune based Bengali couple from Agartala lists in Bhuj
Category : Household Services
Address : C\O: Chitta Ranjan Baishya; Chinaihani; P.O: Agartala Airport, Near Usha Market;
Pincode : 799009
Email Id :
PhoneNo. :
Contact Person : Required a maid from Agartala/Tripura for a Pune based Bengali couple from Agartala
Contact Phone No :
Contact Mobile No : 917875433222
Feature : N/A
The Maid will be responsible for normal household work for 2 persons like cooking, wiping and cleaning of floor and washing clothes, etc. She is expected from Agartala or Tripura and is required to stay in Pune with the couple, and will be allowed to visit native once in year either by AC class Train or by Air along with the couple while the couple will be visiting their native. She will be paid INR 2000 to 2500 per month and she will be given a bonus of INR 5000 every year. As she will be staying along with the couple, food and shelter will be provided free of cost. There can be other benefits for a suitable and appropriate person for this job. This can be chalked out later.


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