Needed Domestic Workers Nanny Driver Housekeeper Chef /Cook and a well manner Home Nurse in Himatnagar Needed Domestic Workers Nanny Driver Housekeeper Chef /Cook and a well manner Home Nurse lists in Himatnagar
Category : Babysitter
Address : United Kingdom
Pincode : A16754
Email Id :
PhoneNo. :
Contact Person : Needed Domestic Workers Nanny Driver Housekeeper Chef /Cook and a well manner Home Nurse
Contact Phone No :
Contact Mobile No : 447012955595
Feature : N/A
Greetings, Are you planning on relocating or having and getting job here in United Kingdom-London.We offer free accommodation like feeding and room and free ticket to travel down here, Our applicant will work from Monday to Saturday and Sunday will be an free days Needed Domestic Workers Nanny Driver Housekeeper Chef /Cook and a well manner Home Nurse Applicant must be reliable,honest individual with experience in care of children Contact Person:Mr Isaac Samuel Email If you are interested in the job offer you can contact me via my private email


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